Business Services: Quality Control

Quality Control

MBS Group Asia Business Services can be your service agency right here in China

Besides the regular import and export services, MBS Group Asia also offers to help you to improve your business with China through providing you different business services. Depending on your different requirements, our services include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Managing your business trip to and within China from beginning to end, including airport pick up / send off, hotel and restaurant reservations, accompanied visits to suppliers and translation services whilst you are in China;
  • Negotiations with your suppliers on you behalf;
  • Being your agent in China as to inspect the quality of your goods and control the delivery process (e.g. receive your goods on time);
  • Helping you and your company to build up extensive business relations, called “guanxi” in Chinese, which is of the upmost importance to improve your efficiency when doing business with China;
  • Consulting en market research services;
  • Arranging shipments, issuing documents and logistic services.

More detailed information and services available upon requests.

Do not hesitate to contact MBS Group Asia if you are interested or if you need further information.