importing SERVICES
MBS Group (Maytex Business Services ©) is a Hong Kong and China based company, coordinates with firms that have recognized business in Europe, Hong Kong and Mainland China. For over 10 years, the founding partners of MBS Group Asia have advised their clients in Asia and developed strong expertise in every field.

Business Development
Building up your Project Development Specification according to your requirement. Our service includes the following key points: analyzing your needs, feasibility study, strategic direction, business development process and specification, customs & taxes, certification & regulation, logistic, Distribution & sales.

Market Research
Investigating on the market, quantitatively and qualitatively to help you understand the Chinese market and your clients needs. Our service includes the following key points: sector analysis, offers Analysis, demand analysis, actors and distribution, conditions for Market Access.

Contact Base
Contacting and meeting business contacts and partners in advance, in order to prepare your business trip and organizing your meeting’s schedule. We will search for/select reliable and suitable business contacts and partners, control their creditability. We will organize meetings with local economic actors in specific area that best matches your needs and specifications.

Facility Management
Accompanying you during your coming, providing organization, logistic and support. Our service includes the following key points: Booking meeting and arranging corresponding visits, Making the translation in the initial negotiations (many contacts only speak Chinese), Visit their offices and site with you, resulting in us drawing up detailed reports for you.

Import-Export Taxes and Duties
Helping you to understand taxes and duties that will apply to your business while importing goods into China. This is a complex subject that rates and regulations differ of course from one product to another. Importing to and exporting, from China, generally involves three types of taxes: Value-added tax, consumption tax, Customs duties. Find out more.

Additional Services
We can provide one stop foreign businessman service as follows: Set up Company (WFOE JOVE), set up representative office, China trademark application, China Tax advisor, working Visa and resident permit, HK, BVI, USA, UK offshore company register, monthly accounting service, audit report, staff recruitment, issue official invitation letter, purchasing information sourcing, translation service.